About Us


Anabell Almazan, President , worked at ADP for over 10 years dealing exclusively with business owners. She Achieved the highest levels of recognition in customer service and overall sales. In addition to her direct experience, she has created a unique model for PCA, where her and her team can access the experience and support of other business executives with over 30 years of cummulitative business experience. Anabel is passionate about educating and advising business owners on creating and maintaining a successful business adequately protected with the right insurance package. As a business owner herself, she fully understands how valuable it is to have experienced and trusted advisors to help business thrive and be successful.

At PCA, because of our combined years of experience working for ADP and other major financial and insurance institutions, we are able to assist you with the initial set up of your firm, ensure it is protected with the right level of commercial insurance, implement the right payroll services, and guide you through your profit/budget/strategic planning.

PCA does not provide Legal Advice, but it can assist you with all the complicated forms and in determine from a holistic perspective what is the right level of insurance products your company requires. PCA fills the void of agencies and agents that promise support and expertise for your business without the necessary experience and tenure. The majority of these companies do not have the insider knowledge to truly assist with every aspect of your business and assess it from a holistic perspective, and are not around for the long run. Located in West Palm Beach, Florida and serving all of Florida, PCA provides a full personal commercial service insurance, payroll and small business consulting services.

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at P C A Insurance Services LLC is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!